Please feel free to contact me through my addresses below:

Personal Colophon

1 Station A
Toronto, Ontario M5W 1A2

Telephone: +1 (416) 995-3275
Downloads: vCard and PGP

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Audio unlikely to soothe the savage breast
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Comforting the afflicted, and afflicting the comfortable
My Medium Blog Medium
Read my blog at Medium
Long-form writing in a world of short attention spans
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You can use the following digital certificates to communicate with me securely, or to verify the authenticity and integrity of my certified documents and accounts:

PGP Public Key

PGP Cryptography
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PGP Fingerprint: 4083 1188 E430 333E
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Adobe Acrobat Digital ID Certificate Acrobat Digital ID Certificate
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Friend of a Friend Protocol FoaF and WebID
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Keybase verification Keybase Verification
View my Keybase Page
To confirm my genuine social media profiles



You can use the following services for transactions with me:

My publications at Google Books Google Books
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akaashmaharaj.eth Ethereum Name Service
See my ENS address record
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Crunchbase Crunchbase
Read my Crunchbase profile
An open dataset for professional research and intelligence

Browse my OpenSea NFT collection
I created Non-Fungible Tokens for a lark, and still do not know why anyone wants them.

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Privacy Policy

Akaash Maharaj - Breaking News


Remembering Desmond Tutu


My article in the Globe and Mail

Television appearances

TVOntario’s The Agenda

Reflecting on the life of Queen Elizabeth II

Radio interviews

United Nations

My address in the UN General Assembly Chamber

Published articles

CBC Radio’s The House

The dirt on the federal two billion trees programme

iTunes Podcast
My YouTube Channel
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My Thread posts
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My Tumblr Page
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My TikTok videos
My RSS 2.0 Newsfeed