The Hon. Jean Augustine, Secretary of State for Women, has announced
that Akaash Maharaj has been awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal
in recognition of his work in Canada towards peace in the Middle
East, in his capacity as President and CEO of the Concordis Foundation.
“I am enormously honoured,” said
Akaash. “I will work tirelessly to justify the faith shown
in Concordis and in our efforts to bridge the chasm in the Middle
East, to realise the ancient dream of peace amongst nations and
Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal was struck to commemorate the 50th anniversary
of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne, to honour
“Canadians who have made a significant contribution to their
fellow citizens, their community, or to Canada.” The medal
is part of Canada’s National Honours System.
Secretary of State Augustine presented Akaash
with the medal at a ceremony for recipients in Etobicoke.