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Past Talks


Clips from my Past Talks, on YouTube
My Reddit Talk clips on YouTube

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Throughout 2022
I have posted promotions, introductions, and excerpts from my Reddit Talks at YouTube. Together, they give an overview of the arc of the discussions.

Full recordings of my Past Talks, on Reddit

Japan’s Proposal for a New World Order
26 January 2023
Japan’s government believes globalisation and economic integration have left democracies hostage to authoritarian regimes. It is proposing a New World Order. With Jacob Kovalio, of Carleton University

Kazakhstan’s Bloody January
17 January 2023
What began as economic discontent in a provincial oil town escalated into a national mass uprising. Is Kazakhstan’s Bloody January over, or just beginning? With Cheryl Reed, a Fulbright Scholar in Almaty

The Role of Religion in the War in Ukraine
09 January 2023
The Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches are locked in a conflict as bitter as that between their states. Will this shape the outcome of the war? With Peter Mandaville and Knox Thames of the US Institute of Peace

China’s Campaign to Become a Communications Superpower
26 December 2022
The eyes of the world have focussed on the obvious might of the Communist Party of China’s hard power. Has we overlooked its soft power at our peril? With Joshua Kurlantzick of the Council on Foreign Relations

The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan
22 December 2022
Ali Maisam Nazary, Head of Foreign Relations for the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, joined us to discuss their military campaign to oust the Taliban, and their efforts to craft a democratic government-in-waiting.

The Impact of Social Media on Democracy
12 December 2022
People across the world believe social media has strengthened democracy, with the stark exception of the people of the United States. With Richard Wike, Pew Research Center Director of Global Research

Prosecuting War Crimes in Ukraine
01 December 2022
The United Nations has confirmed that Russian forces are committing horrific war crimes in Ukraine, but is there any prospect of bringing the perpetrators to justice? With Mark Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of UN Dispatch

The European Commission’s Executive Vice-President
14 November 2022
Margrethe Vestager, European Commission Executive Vice-President, joins us to discuss Europe’s new Digital Services Act, arguably the free world’s most forceful effort to enforce transparency, democratic oversight, and public accountability on global online platforms.

Iran’s Women, Life, Freedom
31 October 2022
The death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of police unleashed mass protests across Iran, under the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom”. Could this be the beginning of the end for the Iranian regime? With Iranian journalist Dorsa Jabbari

After the National Congress of the Communist Party of China
27 October 2022
Has President Xi Jinping made himself stronger, at the cost of making China more fragile, and the world more dangerous? With Zoe Liu of the Council on Foreign Relations

Russian Propaganda
17 October 2022
How has Russia used propaganda to stifle domestic dissent and to sow international discord? With Julia Davis, founder of Russian Media Monitor and a columnist at the Daily Beast

The President of Tibet’s Government-in-Exile
05 October 2022
A conversation with His Excellency Sikyong Penpa Tsering, democratically-elected President of Tibet’s Government-in-Exile, on the prospects for Tibetan self-determination and his negotiations with China

Misinformation and Media Manipulation in India
22 September 2022
Are media misinformation, disinformation, and manipulation poisoning the foundational dream of India, encouraging Indians from different regions and backgrounds to view each other with suspicion and fear, rather than with optimism and hope? With journalist Meenakshi Ravi

North Korea and Nuclear Missiles
15 September 2022
Last week, North Korea formally declared itself to be a nuclear power, asserting a right to pre-emptive nuclear strikes, and ruling out any future talks on denuclearisation. How should the world respond? With Jenny Town of the 38 North Programme and the Stimson Center

The Future of Iraq
08 September 2022
Iraq’s constitution, designed to protect the rights of its many minorities from a tyranny of the majority, has instead left parliament paralysed. Can the state reform, or is it courting revolution? With Sarhang Hamasaeed of the US Institute of Peace

Seven Months Into Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
01 September 2022
As Ukraine musters a major counter-offensive in the Kherson region, and Russia continues to hold the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, who is better enduring this war of attrition? With Jack Detsch of Foreign Policy magazine

The Domestic and International Power of Mexico’s Drug Cartels
25 August 2022
How can Mexicans break the power of the cartels and extinguish their violence? With Vanda Felbab-Brown of the Brookings Institution

Afghanistan One Year after the US Withdrawal
18 August 2022
Did the US leave Afghanistan as the graveyard of terrorists or their spawning ground? With journalists Josh Meyer and Tom Vanden Brook of USA Today

Crisis in the Taiwan Strait
08 August 2022
Are China’s military incursions in the Taiwan Strait expressions of impotent rage at Nancy Pelosi, or do they genuinely imperil global peace and stability? With Ankit Panda of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and David Sacks of the Council on Foreign Relations

Six Months Into Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
01 August 2022
How can the international community help bring a just conclusion to the war, and does it retain the political will to do so? With Major John Spencer, former Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the United States Military Academy West Point

The Sri Lankan Crisis
28 July 2022
A three-year-long economic crisis has sent Sri Lanka’s inflation soaring over 50%, driven millions of people into abject poverty, and forced now-former president Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country. With Bhavani Fonseka, a renowned Sri Lankan human rights lawyer

Doctors Without Borders
18 July 2022
How can humanitarian organisations reconcile the neutrality necessary to provide care in conflict zones, with the moral imperative to speak out on human rights violations they witness? With Avril Benoît, US head of Médecins Sans Frontières

The Assassination of Shinzō Abe
14 July 2022
Shinzō Abe was Japan’s longest-serving Prime Minister. What is his legacy for his country and for global affairs? With Jake Adelstein of The Daily Beast and Thisanka Siripala of The Diplomat

Five Months Into Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
07 July 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has now stretched into its fifth month. Are Ukraine’s state allies sustaining the support of their own populations as the war wears on? With David Brennan, Diplomatic Correspondent for Newsweek

From Guerrilla Fighter to President of Colombia
27 June 2022
Gustavo Pedro, a former M-19 guerrilla, has been elected President of Colombia. What does this mean for the country and for South America? With Colombian journalist Alessandro Rampietti

Life and Death in the Amazon
23 June 2022
Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips were murdered while exposing how illegal mining, logging, and poaching harm Brazil’s Indigenous people. Who killed them and why? With Brazilian journalist Leandro Demori and anthropologist Luísa Molina

The Uyghur Genocide
13 June 2022
How should the international community respond to UN findings that the Communist Party of China has interred up to 3 million Uyghurs in concentration camps? With Deirdre Shesgreen, World Affairs Editor at USA TODAY

Eliminating Sexual Misconduct from Equestrianism
09 June 2022
How can equestrians be mobilised to confront sexual misconduct in our sport? With Carrie Kehring, President of We Ride Together

Protecting Athlete Rights in International Sport
30 May 2022
Athletes have exposed widespread abuse in international sport, but can they end that abuse? With Rob Koehler, Director General of Global Athlete

The Brazilian Presidential Election
23 May 2022
This October, Brazil will face its most polarising presidential election of modern times, as the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro faces president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. With Gustavo Ribeiro of the Brazilian Report

The Philippines’ Presidential Election II
17 May 2022
What does the election of Bongbong Marcos, son of the late dictator, mean for Filipino democracy? With Karen Lema of Reuters and Andrea Chloe Wong of the Foreign Service Institute Philippines

Caring for Animals Caught in War
19 May 2022
How are international charities aiding animals caught in the war in Ukraine? With Charmaine Brett-Mills and Oleksandra Tselishcheva, both of Veterinarians Without Borders

The Philippines’ Presidential Election I
17 May 2022
What does the election of Bongbong Marcos, son of the late dictator, mean for Filipino democracy? With Chad de Guzman of TIME Magazine and Derek Grossman of the RAND Corporation

A Conversation with the Rt Hon David Gauke, Britain’s former Lord Chancellor
09 May 2022
On the impact of last week's regional and local election results on party politics

Two Months Into Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
02 May 2022
An overview of how the war has unfolded, and how it is likely to progress. With Jack Detsch of Foreign Policy magazine, John Spencer of Urban Warfare studies at West Point Academy, and Knox Thames of the US State Department

Responsible use of Apps and Internet Tools for Horse Health
28 March 2022
With Dr Doug Thal, Creator of the Horse Side Vet Guide App

Rescuing Ukraine’s Horses
12 March 2022
On efforts by volunteers to evacuate horses from Ukraine’s war zones. With Anastasia Bondarieva of the Ukrainian Equestrian Federation Charity Foundation

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
26 February 2022
An overview of the genesis of the invasion. With Patrick Fox of the US Air Force, Pytor Kurzin of the World Bank, Walter Leck a Ukrainian activist, and Open Source Intelligence Monitor.

Sifting Sound Online Equine Information from Myth and Speculation
13 February 2022
With Dr David Marlin, DVM



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